Important Notes for the 2023-24 Academic Year

2023-24 Major Dates Calendar

School Uniform - Dress for Excellence!

TADS - Portal for tuition payments & financial aid

Summer Reading

Chesterton Academy students are required to read two assigned books over the summer. Students are expected to carefully read their assigned books before the start of the year. Please bring the books to campus when you bring your school supplies at the beginning of the year. There will be a quiz on the summer reading assignment early in the school year in literature class.

9th & 11th Grades

  • Greek Mythology by Edith Hamilton published by Back Bay Books

  • **Note: Read Parts I-III of the Hamilton book only. Reading further actually begins to preclude the subject matter of the Iliad and Odyssey which we read during the year.**

  • Perelandra by C.S. Lewis published by Scribner

10th & 12th Grades

  • Catherine of Siena by Sigrid Undset

  • The Screwtape Letters  by C. S. Lewis